With Local Undo enabled, How To Set Specific Undo Tablespace For Each PDB Instance On RAC Node (Doc ID 2673826.1)
As this database is enabled with LOCAL UNDO, assign specific Undo tablespace to each PDB on node-1 & node-2 by executing below commands.
On node-1:
alter session set container=BZPROD;
alter system set undo_tablespace=APPS_UNDOTS1 container=current sid='BZCDB1' scope=both; >>>> sid=First Instance
On Node-2
alter session set container=BZPROD;
alter system set undo_tablespace=APPS_UNDOTS2 container=current sid='BZCDB2' scope=both; >>>> sid=Second Instance
alter pluggable database BZPROD open;
alter pluggable database all save state;
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