在尝试用impdp把一个dump文件从一个schema导入到另外一个schema (两个schema位于同一个数据库上,需要用到remap_schema参数来进行schema的映射转换)遇到了诸多类似如下的错误...
(nohup impdp \'/ as sysdba\' directory=DUMP schemas=bz dumpfile=bz_20210817.dmp logfile=impdp_bz_his_20210817.log remap_schema=bz:bz_his remap_tablespace=users:bz_his,bz:bz_his &)
ORA-39083: Object type TYPE failed to create with error:
ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literal
Failing sql is:
CREATE TYPE "BZ_HIS"."T_TABLE" OID 'A45B6B52BEA6B75BE0531645CA0A477E' is table of number
ORA-39083: Object type TYPE failed to create with error:
ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literal
Failing sql is:
CREATE TYPE "BZ_HIS"."TABLETYPE" OID 'A45B6BA23AA7B76AE0531645CA0A77F0' is table of varchar2(3000)
invalid object identifier literal
Cause: An attempt was made to enter an object identifier literal for CREATE TYPE that is either:
- not a string of 32 hexadecimal characters
- an object identifier that already identifies an existing object
- an object identifier different from the original object identifier already assigned to the type
Action: Do not specify the object identifier clause or specify a 32 hexadecimal-character object identifier literal that is unique or identical to the originally assigned object identifier. Then retry the operation.
注意到在创建type的时候,“多出来”一段OID的东东,很是奇怪,因为平时在创建一个type的时候,根本就不会涉及到指定OID的问题, 问题八成就是出在这个OID上。那么这个OID到底是什么呢?为什么会导致ORA-02304的错误呢?
OID 应该就是Object Identifier, 在数据库中每个object都有自己唯一的标识,也就是object id. 因此把一个Object从一个schema导入到另外一个schema的时候(在同一个数据库上),如果这个OID也保持不变的话,那么就会出现多个 Object共享同一个object id的问题,这显然是不行的。因此会出现这个invalid object identifier的问题。
那么如何解决这个问题呢? 通过impdp help=y 可以看到有一个参数来解决这个问题,
TRANSFORM Metadata transform to apply to applicable objects.
Valid transform keywords: SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES, STORAGE
OID - If the value is specified as n, the assignment of the exported OID during the
creation of object tables and types is inhibited. Instead, a new OID is assigned.
This can be useful for cloning schemas, but does not affect referenced objects. The
default value is y.
大 意就是说如果TRANSFORM参数设置成OID=N,表示在imp的时候,新创建的表或这个类型会赋予新的OID,而不是dmp文件中包含的OID的 值。但是这个参数的默认值是OID=Y,因此在进行Imp的时候,新创建的表或者type会赋予同样的OID,如果是位于同一个数据库上的不同 schema,那就会造成OID冲突的问题,因此解决这个问题也很简单,只需要在impdp的时候,显示设置transform. 参数为OID=N既可以了。如下所示,
(nohup impdp \'/ as sysdba\' directory=DUMP schemas=bz dumpfile=bz_20210817.dmp logfile=impdp_bz_his_20210817.log remap_schema=bz:bz_his remap_tablespace=users:bz_his,bz:bz_his transform=oid:n &)