---top CPU Session
set linesize 200
column inst_id format 999
column sid format 9999
column "OS PID" format a12
column module format a45
column APP_USER_NAME format a15
column username format a12
SELECT s.inst_id,
p.spid as "OS PID",
s.username,s.client_identifier APP_USER_NAME,
st.value / 100 as "CPU sec"
FROM gv$sesstat st, gv$statname sn, gv$session s, gv$process p
WHERE st.inst_id = sn.inst_id and sn.inst_id = s.inst_id and s.inst_id = p.inst_id
and sn.name = 'CPU used by this session' -- CPU
AND st.statistic# = sn.statistic# AND st.sid = s.sid AND s.paddr = p.addr AND s.last_call_et < 1800 -- active within last 1/2 hour
AND s.logon_time > (SYSDATE - 240/1440) -- sessions logged on within 4 hours
AND st.value / 100 > 10
ORDER BY st.value ;
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